Tuesday, August 10, 2010

He Thinks He's Funny

This weekend my family and I went to a wedding about 45 minutes outside of Las Vegas. This is a conversation that took place when we arrived:

David (my brother): After the wedding we should drive to Vegas.
Me: Dustin will be designated driver!
Dustin: Teresa, you can't drink anyway... you should drive.
::Silence from my sister, Christina, who has been begging me to have a baby::
Me: DUSTIN! You can't say things like that in front of Christina. That's how rumors start.
Christina: Dang it...

About two minutes later...
David: Hahahahahahahaha
Me: Looks like David just figured out what Dustin meant...

Christina thought Dustin slipped up and we were just trying to cover up his goof, so she waited anxiously (and probably with fingers crossed) until she saw me drink some alcohol. Let me just clarify that I am not pregnant. And we didn't go to Vegas after the wedding.