Wednesday, December 1, 2010


... I forgot I had a blog.

I have a couple things I want to blog about, but I need to upload some pictures so for now I will leave you with this:

Do you journal? I guess blogging counts as journaling, but as you can see I'm not a very good blogger. I've been thinking about getting a journal that I could write in every day. I think I'd feel silly writing in a journal, though. It reminds me of one of my college professors that made us free-write in class. Occasionally he would give us a prompt but I don't think I ever followed it. If I did, I would just write a sentence or two about the prompt (in case he asked us to tell the class what we answered), and then I'd wander off into what I ate for breakfast or my plans for the upcoming weekend. Mostly I just saw it as 15-20 minutes to doodle, day-dream, and waste time. Isn't journaling just another name for free-writing? So is there a benefit to keeping a journal?


Katie Michelle said...

haha yes please blog more! and I know which professor you are talking about! I sometimes journal...i am asking for this really cute one for christmas so perhaps that will encourage mt to journal more! lol

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